Configuring Conveyors
After a conveyor has been created, you can set its parameters.
Select [Tools]-[Conveyor Tracking].
Select the conveyor you want to edit.
There are three setup pages shown in the tree under each conveyor: [General], [Preferences], [Upstream Limit], [Downstream Limit], and [Conveyor Z].
- To change the [Upstream Limit] and [Downstream Limit], refer to 16.16 Pickup Area Changing the Upstream / Downstream limits positions.
- To change the settings of Reject Distance and queue position data sort, click on [Preferences].
- To change other parameters, click on [General].
Click on [General] or [Preferences]. The dialog shown below appears. Edit any of the configuration options.
Click [Apply] to save changes.
If you changed Robot #, Encoder #, Orientation, Type, or Vision Sequence, you need to calibrate the conveyor again.
The following table explains the parameters you can edit in the [General] and [Preferences] pages.
Name | You can name conveyors. There is a restriction on the number of characters to be input. Up to 16 bytes |
Robot # | You can select a robot that is configured. |
Encoder # | You can select an encoder that is configured. Select by encoder number. |
Type | You can select vision type and sensor type.
Motion | You can select the conveyor motion; Straight conveyor or Circular conveyor. |
Orientation | When you selected Straight conveyor, you can specify if the conveyor is level or tilted. Tilted is set by default. Normally you don't have to change it.
Vision Sequence | Select a vision sequence for the calibration. This is only necessary when using the vision type. |
Downstream Conveyor | When two or more conveyors have been set, you can select a conveyor number for the downstream conveyor. |
Calibrate… | Click this button to execute the calibration. The calibration procedure is different for each type and conveyor orientation. |
Adjust Z | After the calibration is completed, you can calibrate the Z coordinate value of the conveyor again. |
Reject Distance | You can set distance to prevent the duplicate registration of workpieces on conveyors.
Queue position data sorted on X axis | You can select whether to sort the queue or not. |
After the calibration, change the parameters for Robot #, Encoder #, Type, Motion, Orientation, Vision Sequence, Adjust Z, and Upstream/Downstream limit.