Changing the Upstream / Downstream limits positions

To change the upstream limit and downstream limit positions, follow the steps below.

To change the Upstream Limit:

  1. Select [Tools]-[Conveyor Tracking].

  2. Select the conveyor you want to edit.

  3. Click [Upstream Limit].

  4. The dialog shown below appears.

    To define the X1 value, enter a value directly or use Jog & Teach. Entering values directly is for fine adjustment.

  5. When you directly specify the value, enter the value in the box and click .

  6. When you use Jog & Teach, click the [Teach] button.

  7. The dialog shown below appears.

    Follow the instructions given during calibration.

To change the downstream limit, click [Downstream Limit] and edit the value in the same way as the upstream limit.


Upstream and downstream positions can be changed from the SPEL program by using Cnv_Upstream and Cnv_Downstream commands. (When diagonal upstream and downstream limits are used, they cannot be changed from the SPEL program.)

Diagonal Upstream / Downstream Limits

After the calibration, you can set the dividing lines for the Pickup Area (upstream limit / downstream limit) directed diagonally to the part flow.

When you change the dividing lines to diagonal positions, the Pickup Area also changes as shown below. The area indicated in gray is widened by changing the dividing lines to diagonal positions. In addition, diagonal dividing lines are called the diagonal upstream / downstream limits.

The following are the advantages you can get by widening the Pickup Area.

  • Reduce robot standby time by widening the upper side Pickup Area.
  • Less possibility of missing parts which flow longer after the downstream limit by widening the Pickup Area.


If there are too many parts on the conveyor for the robot to pick up, it only makes the robot move for longer distance and longer time and the number of parts the robot can pick up may decrease, even in a widened Pickup Area. The robot capacity refers to how fast or how many parts robot can pick up. The robot capacity depends on the pickup area width, robot standby position, and conveyor speed.

To set the diagonal upstream limit:

  1. Select [Tools]-[Conveyor Tracking].

  2. Select the conveyor you want to edit.

  3. Click [Upstream Limit].

  4. The dialog shown below appears.

    Check the [Diagonal Limit] check box in [Upstream Limit] and click the [Apply] button. The dialog shown below appears.

    To define the values for X1, Y1, X2, Y2, enter the values directly or use Jog & Teach. Entering values directly is for fine adjustment.

  5. When you directly specify the values, enter the values in the boxes and click the [Apply] button.

  6. When you use Jog & Teach, click the [Teach] button.

    The window shown below appears.

  7. Place two parts on the conveyor.

    Click the [Jog & Teach] button.

  8. The [Jog & Teach panel] will appear. Click the jog buttons to move the robot end effector to the pick position. Click the [Teach] button.

  9. The window shown below appears. Click [Jog & Teach].

  10. The [Jog & Teach panel] will appear. Click the jog buttons to move the robot end effector to the pick position. Click the [Teach] button.

To set the diagonal downstream limit, click [Downstream Limit] to display the downstream limit setting page and check the [Diagonal Limit] checkbox, then click the [Apply] button.

The dialog shown below appears. Click the [Teach] button and follow the directions in the wizard.

Note that the “Error 4415” occurs when the diagonal upstream / downstream limits are defined as in the following cases.

  • They are perpendicular to the part flow direction.
  • They are parallel to the part flow direction.
  • The diagonal upstream limit and downstream limit cross on the conveyor.