Conveyor Tracking Commands

All Conveyor Tracking commands begin with the same prefix: “Cnv_”.

Here is a list of all of the commands. For details, refer to Help or the following manual:

"SPEL+ Language Reference"

Command Description / Usage
Cnv_AbortTrack Aborts a motion command to a conveyor queue point.
Cnv_Accel function Sets/ returns acceleration and deceleration of the conveyor.
Cnv_Accel Sets acceleration and deceleration of the conveyor.
Cnv_AccelLim Sets limit of acceleration and deceleration after the conveyor tracked.
Cnv_Accel function Returns limit of acceleration and deceleration after the conveyor tracked.
Cnv_Adjust Sets whether to retrieve the tracking delay offset of the conveyor.
Cnv_Accel function Returns the result of the operation of retrieving the tracking delay offset of the conveyor and the offset.
Cnv_AdjustClear Clears the tracking delay offset of the conveyor.
Cnv_AdjustSet Sets the tracking delay offset of the conveyor.
Cnv_Downstream function Returns the downstream limit for the specified conveyor.
Cnv_Downstream Sets the downstream limit of the conveyor.
Cnv_Fine function Returns the setting of the range to judge if the tracking motion is completed or not for the specified conveyor.
Cnv_Fine Sets / returns the value of Cnv_Fine for one conveyor.
Cnv_Flag function Returns the tracking state for the tracking abort line.
Cnv_Mode function Returns the conveyor mode setting value.
Cnv_Mode Sets the conveyor mode setting value.
Cnv_LPulse function Returns the pulse latched by a conveyor trigger.
Cnv_Name$ function Returns the name of the specified conveyor.
Cnv_Number function Returns the number of a conveyor specified by name.
Cnv_OffsetAngle Sets the angle offset. Usage: This command is available only for the circular conveyor.
Cnv_OffsetAngle function Returns the offset angle.
Cnv_Point function Returns a robot point in the specified conveyor's coordinate system derived from sensor coordinates. Usage: Use this function when registering a point in the queue.
Cnv_PosErr function Returns deviation in current tracking position compared to tracking target.
Cnv_PosErrOffset Sets an offset value to correct the deviation in current tracking position compared to tracking target.
Cnv_Pulse function Returns the current position of a conveyor in pulses.
Cnv_QueAdd Adds a robot point to a conveyor queue. Usage: Use this function when registering a point in the queue.
Cnv_QueGet function Returns a point from the specified conveyor's queue. Usage: Use this command for robot tracking motion.
Cnv_QueLen function Returns the number of items in the specified conveyor's queue. Usage: Use this command to keep the robot waiting until the part (queue) enters the tracking area.
Cnv_QueList Displays a list of items in the specified conveyor's queue.
Cnv_QueMove Moves data from upstream conveyor queue to downstream conveyor queue. Usage: Use this command for the multi conveyor system.

Sets / displays the minimum distance to prevent the double conveyors register. See details below.

Double Registration Prevention

Cnv_QueReject function Sets / returns and displays the queue reject distance for a conveyor.
Cnv_QueRemove Removes items from a conveyor queue.
Cnv_QueUserData Sets and displays user data associated with a queue entry.
Cnv_QueUserData function Sets / returns and displays user data associated with a queue entry.
Cnv_RobotConveyor function Returns the conveyor being tracked by a robot.
Cnv_Speed function Returns the current speed of a conveyor.
Cnv_Trigger Latches current conveyor position for the next Cnv_QueAdd statement. Usage: Use this command when using the software trigger.
Cnv_Upstream function Returns the upstream limit for the specified conveyor.
Cnv_Upstream Sets the upstream limit of the conveyor.


  • To track a part as the conveyor moves, you must use Cnv_QueGet in a motion command statement.

    For example:

    Jump Cnv_QueGet(1)  'this tracks the part

    You cannot assign the result from Cnv_Que to a point and then track it by moving to the point.

    P1 = Cnv_QueGet(1)
    Jump P1             'this does not track the part!

    When you assign the result from Cnv_QueGet to a point, the coordinate values correspond to the position of the part when the point assignment was executed.

  • After pausing the manipulator, the operation command of conveyor tracking cannot be continued. The error 4403 will occur.