[Setup]-[Preferences]-[Editor] Page

This page is used to configure your preferences for the program editor windows.

Item Description
Auto Indent Check this box if you want new lines to follow the indentation for the previous line. Also, lines will automatically be indented after Do, If, Else, For, Select, and Case statements. This is turned on by default.
Auto end-of-block input Automatically generates structured instruction terminations in Epson RC+. For example, entering a "for" statement will automatically add "Next". This is turned on by default.
Function Separators Check this box to display a line after each Fend statement. This is turned on by default.
Syntax Help

Check this box to enable the Syntax Help keyword list and Syntax Help window. The Syntax Help keyword list appears when typing a keyword. The Syntax Help window displays syntax for a keyword after it has been typed, as shown below.

This is turned on by default.

Above Line Select this button to display the syntax help window above the input line.
Below Line Select this button to display the syntax help window below the input line.
Tab Stops Type in the number of columns to move for the TAB key. The default is 4.
Zoom font size in/out Ctrl + mouse wheel Move the mouse wheel up or down while holding down the Ctrl key to zoom the font size in and out on the Editor window. This is turned on by default. This is turned on by default.
Code complement

Input suggestions are shown while entering keywords, as shown below.

Select with the [↑] or [↓] keys on the keyboard, and then press [Enter] or click the mouse to enter the code. This is turned on by default.

Show Line Number Shows the line on the left side of the editor. This is turned off by default.
Show minimap

Shows the mini map on the right side of the editor, as shown below.

This is turned off by default.

Show block structure guide

As shown below, guide lines are displayed in the control block structure and indented sections of functions, IF and FOR statements, etc.

This is turned on by default.

Theme Select a theme, and change the editor background and text color. Choose from Basic, Dark, or Dark (High Contrast). "Basic" is selected by default.
Font Name Changes the font displayed in the editor.