[Setup]-[Preferences]-[Run Window] Page

This page allows you to change preferences for the Run Window.

Item Description
Confirm Start This checkbox allows you to select if you want to see a confirmation message box before a program is started. This is turned on by default.
Clear text window on start Checking this will cause the Run Window text pane to be cleared each time the [Start] button is clicked. This is turned on by default.
Allow multiple tasks to be started Checking this allows you to start a task from the Run window while other tasks are running. The [Start] button will not be disabled after starting a task. This is turned off by default.
Zoom font size in/out Ctrl + mouse wheel Move the mouse wheel up or down while holding down the Ctrl key to zoom the font size in and out on the Run window. This is turned on by default.
Font Name Click on the Font button to change the font for the Run window.