
Setting feeder vibration.

Items Description
Platform Type

Set the platform type.

a) A standard platform that can be purchased from Epson

Flat : Flat platform

Anti-rolling : Platform with anti-rolling processing

Anti-stick : Platform with anti-stick processing

b) Custom platforms must be designed and fabricated by the customer.

Slots : Platform with slots for vertical parts

Holes : Platform with holes for vertical parts

Pockets : Platform with holes to align parts

System process vibration for part

Controlling feeder by system.

When selecting above b), this item cannot be used.

User process vibration for part via PF_Feeder callback Using PF_Feeder callback function.
Centering Method

When [User processes vibration for part] is selected, select the type of part centering operation. (Operation to center and evenly distribute parts when the parts distribution is highly biased, such as when parts are put in.)


No centering is done.

Long axis centering+ Short axis centering:

Center in the direction of the long axis, then center in the direction of the short axis.

Short axis centering+ Long axis centering:

Center in the direction of the short axis, then center in the direction of the long axis.

Long axis centering:

Center only in the direction of the long axis.

Short axis centering:

Center only in the direction of the short axis.

Center By Shift:

Center by the Shift operation.


The best centering method depends on the type of parts and the position of the hopper. The most effective method is one of the following methods.

  • Long axis centering+ Short axis centering
  • Short axis centering+ Long axis centering

However, the feeder operating time will be longer compared to other centerings (or "no centering"). It is effective to select the one with the parts properly distributed and the shortest centering time.