Part Supply

This screen is used to set the part supply method to the feeder. User code must be added to the PF_Control callback function in order to supply parts from a hopper. Refer to the following for more information about the PF_Control Callback function.

Items Description
Supply parts when threshold reached Supply parts when the number of parts reaches the threshold.
Supply parts during pick and place

Add parts to optimize the number of parts on the feeder.

This reduces robot cycle times compared to completely depleting all parts.

Number of Parts Supplied

If "Supply parts during pick and place" was selected, enter the number of parts added from the Hopper.

The default value is 10.

Refer to the following for further details.

How to Adjust the Hopper

Non-pickable parts remaining in tray when more parts are supplied:

When the number of non-pickable parts remaining in the tray is below this value, then more parts will be supplied.

The default value is 4.

If 0 is used, then all detected parts must be picked before more parts are supplied.

Hopper Hoppers to use: None, 1, 2, 1 and 2.


  • If you select a hopper to use when no hopper is connected, a message will appear informing you that no hopper is connected.
  • You can test the hopper from the following screen
    Calibration & Test